Chemical Peeling
Chemical Peeling

Chemical peeling, by applying an acid selected in accordance with the skin structure, initiates a controlled pouring of the top layer of the skin and a reconstruction in the lower layers; It is a treatment method that stimulates the synthesis of collagen and provides a younger and healthier skin.

Peels are classified according to their depth. Nowadays, often superficial and medium-deep peeling applications are made. Instead of deep peeling applications, laser peeling methods are preferred.

What are the application areas?

• Pale skin

• Acne skin

• Oily skin

• Enlarged pores

• Surface marks

• Sun aging

• Superficial wrinkles

• Stain treatment

What is the Frequency and Number of Application of Chemical Peeling?

According to the depth of the peeling is between 1-3 weeks and according to the person's skin problem between 3-10 sessions are applied. During the application, burning and stinging can be felt, and then there is very little redness, crusting and dryness in the surface peels and this does not affect the daily life. Transient redness, crusting and peeling occur for about 5-7 days after mid-chemical peels. After the process, a suitable moisturizing cream and sunscreen should be used.

The treatment of chemical peeling must be done during the winter period when the sun has reduced its effect.