Thread Lifting Method With Face Lift
Thread Lifting Method With Face Lift

Over time, the main causes of wrinkles and sagging in the face and neck region are collapse of the skin, loss of volume of subcutaneous fat tissue and gravity. Wrinkles and sags in the face and neck, which are the places where the signs of aging are first seen, can be eliminated in a short time by the method of "Thread Lifting " which is a non-surgical method. This method, which is effective in sagging and wrinkling around the mouth and lips, eyelids and face, can be applied in every part of the body.

During the procedure, developed forms of special strands which are soluble in the body and which are generally used in surgery are used. Tension is achieved by the reaction of the tissues to the strings, thus eliminating the appearance of sagging. The rope-stretching process which shows the youth effect immediately after the procedure helps people to look younger. Besides, it does not cause any changes in facial expression and facial expressions.

Depending on the properties of the ropes used during the facelifting, it is also referred to as Contour Lift, Silhouette Lift, French hanger, Aptos Rope Lift, Spider Web Aesthetics. The rope hanging process is used especially for hanging cheeks and jaws to restore the elasticity to the old position. Thanks to this process, which is entered into the skin at a minimal level, the results last approximately 2 years. After anesthesia is achieved, the rope stretching technique can be completed within 30 minutes.

At the same time, the patient's return to daily activities after the procedure is quite short. This procedure can be applied for people who do not have very dense sagging and deep lines. Rope stretching, which can be applied to both men and women, is generally applied to those who are between 35 and 60 years old, who want to look younger and more dynamic, but do not need serious and open face lift operations as they do not experience significant loss of elasticity on the face. Mild bumps and bruises may occur in the area. Tension may occur in the same areas. After the procedure, especially in the first 1 week should be very careful against trauma. Straps in the ropes where the conveying force is limited is asymmetries may occur.