Actinic Keratosis
Actinic Keratosis

Actinic keratosis is a precancerous lesion resulting from the development of abnormal skin cells on the skin as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Especially in the face of the hand, which is heavily exposed to sunlight and face, the most common face, nose, cheek, lower lip, forehead and temples are seen in the sections. Generally in skinned people and long-time outdoors workers who do not abide by sun protection measures are seen in the form of many, flat or slightly thickened, scaly or rough surface, skin-colored or slightly reddened lesions.

Are actinic keratoses dangerous?

Solar keratoses can sometimes be uncomfortable or undesirable by people. What is important is that such keratoses can sometimes turn into a skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma.

Solar keratoses must be treated because of their discomfort or their ability to turn into skin cancer. If actinic keratoses thicken or open wound, they must be checked. Lesions may develop into squamous cell carcinoma; should be followed regularly by the dermatologist as they may change in basal cell cancer or melanoma.

How should actinic keratoses be treated?

Treatment of actinic keratoses is treated by removal of abnormal, damaged cells from the skin. Thus, the new skin is created with deeper cells that are protected from sun damage.

The treatment of thickened and sensitive keratoses is important, especially since it is not possible to treat all actinic keratoses on the skin with excessive sun damage. Because these types of keratoses have higher risks for conversion to skin cancer.

What are the treatment options?

Cryotherapy: Freezing of the skin with liquid nitrogen results in the removal of the top layer of the skin by causing water to collect under the skin. While the keratoses in the face were healed in 10 days after criotherapy; this time on hand back can take up to 3 weeks.

Curettage and cautery: This method is particularly preferred in thick keratoses. With this method, the scraped tissue can be sent to pathological examination. Generally, keratoses are scraped with a sharp instrument. The cautery is treated in order to stop the bleeding or complete treatment of keratosis. Recovery takes a few weeks, and mild scars remain.

Surgical removal: Actinic keratoses are removed from the outer border by this method. Actinic keratosis is sent to the pathological examination to see if it has been removed. This method is particularly important in patients with suspected cancer. Generally, stitches are removed after removal. Usually leaves a permanent scar.

5-Fluorouracil cream: 5-Fluorouracil cream (5-FU, Efudix)

This treatment is particularly advantageous when a large number of actinic keratoses are present. This cream is applied to the skin area 1-2 times a day for 2-4 weeks. The treated area is red, crusted and uncomfortable. Recovery is seen when the cream is terminated and the results are excellent.

Imiquimod: Imiquimod is a creamy medicine. Apply to the affected area 2-3 times a week for 1-4 months. This drug causes irritation reaction in the tissue, this reaction lasts 3 weeks and decreases when treatment is continued. This reaction varies from person to person, sometimes it can be very strong.

Photodynamic therapy: Photodynamic therapy is also applied to the field of actinic keratosis, a photosensitive agent called porphyrin. A strong light is then applied. In the treated area, the burn develops and heals in a few weeks.

Diclofenac gel: This drug is more tolerant and is very successful in the treatment of actinic keratosis.

How is actinic keratosis protected?

Actinic keratoses can only be prevented from sunlight. Actinic keratoses are regressed every day when a sun protection with a high protection factor is applied. This protection is very important especially for people with light skins working outside.