Angioma is a tumor of benign skin that develops from blood vessels. If there is no bleeding and no disturbance in the image, no treatment is required. Spider (Spider) There are several types such as angiomas and cherry (cherry) angiomas, and they can be seen anywhere in the body. Some species are due to aging, some species appear in children or pregnant women. Only a large number of sudden and sudden increases may indicate a serious condition. At the discretion of the dermatologist, the NdYAG laser can be treated with cautery or cryotherapy. There is a possibility of recurrence after treatment.

Hemangioma is usually tumors that develop within a few months after birth or postpartum, or develop from blood or lymphatic vessels, their size may increase rapidly and often disappear spontaneously over time. Because of the possibility of hemorrhage and secondary infection, a child with hemangioma should be examined by a dermatologist.