Cosmetic is completely different from cellulite. Cosmetic cellulite is the skin's orange peel appearance due to the irregularity of subcutaneous adipose tissue, while medical cellulite is the name given to the inflammation of deep skin layers and subcutaneous tissues.

It may also occur most commonly in the lower legs, but also in other parts of the body, such as the arms and face. Bacteria, inflammation such as skin, burns, cuts, abrasions or skin diseases caused by eczema, fungus, such as fissures caused by inflammation. Redness, swelling and pain occur in the skin. You can also see weakness, headache and fever. When the leg is in the groin, the arms swell when the lymph nodes under the seat. Treatment should be started as soon as possible. The majority of patients respond well to antibiotic therapy. When treatment is delayed or untreated, it may cause ulceration, spread of inflammation into the muscle and bone tissue, vascular inflammation (thrombophlebitis) and spread of microbe into the blood (sepsis).