In a healthy person, 85% of the hair is in the growth phase and 15% in the resting phase. After a while, the hair in the resting phase is poured naturally and replaced with new hair growing again. 100-150 wires per day is normal. Telogens are suspected if there is a spillage of more than 150 watts per day and if the spillage occurs within months and the hairs are thinner.

There are many reasons for this type of hair loss that occurs frequently in women. These include anemia (iron, B12, vitamin D, zinc and folate deficiency), solid diets that cause protein deficiency, intense stress, high fever and severe surgery, some medications, too much or little work of the thyroid gland, and diseases that affect metabolism.

Generally, in 6-9 months after the elimination of the factors causing the spillage, the hair becomes normal again. In the treatment of telogen effluvium, rather than local spray and similar products, oral medication is a more accurate approach. Tablets with multifarious content such as biotin, keratin, zinc, as well as iron, should be the first choice. Shampoo can be used as shampoos with biotin. If there is a underlying cause, the treatment should be continued until it is corrected, and the treatment for the hair should be continued for 6 months.


It is characterized by weakening of the hair starting in 20-30s, shrinking of the hair follicle and dropping in relation to the sensitivity of the male hormone in hair follicles in people with genetic predisposition. With the effect of the hormone Dihydrotestesterone on the hair follicle, the hair diameter becomes smaller, its length shortens, its color is opened and the hair follicle disappears completely and hair loss occurs irreversibly. Although androgenetic alopecia is a progressive disease, it is possible to stop the disease with the applied treatment and to restore the hair structure to its old form by supporting the hair follicles that have not yet died.