Impetigo is a skin infection caused by bacteria that are commonly seen in children's age. It's quite contagious. Factors that facilitate the emergence of the disease include poor hygiene conditions, skin trauma, temperature rise, and moisture. It is usually seen in open areas of the body such as face, neck, hand, arm and leg. The lesions are in the form of wounds with yellow, honey-colored shells, sometimes with bubbles filled with water.

Antibiotic creams are recommended for treatment. In cases of severe and resistant cases, oral antibiotics can be given if there are symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and anorexia. In some individuals, the disease microbe may be located in the perianal region, the armpit and the nostrils. Especially in recurrent infections, local antibiotic cream should be used in these areas. It is important to comply with the rules of personal care and hygiene.